Welcome to Mrs. Meador's Blog Page for American Sign Language 1 & 2

Welcome to ASL


The 2013-14 school has begun and the ASL classes are off to a great start. I am very excited to be teaching at Westridge Academy and I think I have the best students. Everyone is really getting excited about all the signs we're going to be learning this semester. Finger spelling the ABCs maybe easy but we're going to learn a whole lot more, so if you're in my class hang on. Just imagine how you'll be able to "wow" your friends by talking with your hands. I hope you even meet someone who uses ASL to communicate and you'll be able to talk to them. 

So welcome to the new year and let's get busy learning to sign. 

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    Mrs. Meador ASL Teacher Westridge Christian Academy

    My Story

    At the age of about 18 months my parents discovered I was deaf and from that point forward they sought to give me every available opportunity to succeed. At age 5 I was enrolled in school and began learning American Sign Language. But not only did my parents want me to communicate with ASL, they also desired they learn to speak orally and read lips. This has afforded me the best of both worlds as I go between the deaf and hearing world. 

      Do you have a question or concern?


    August 2013

